I have a Galaxy mini phone and annoyingly it constantly tells me my memory is nearly full even though I have deleted every app known to man from the device (obviously I kept hold of FB, Ebay and Twitter....staples) so whenever I have tried to install Instagram it gets rejected booo, don't get me wrong it bothers me a great deal that apparently nobody is capable of posting photo's anymore unless they've "instagram'd" it before publishing but I do think its a great way to dodge round the fact that alot of phone cameras are still pretty pants.
I'm fairly sure I would post more often on my blog if I had pictures of the things that had intrigued and inspired me throughout my day (though an addiction I see happening to an Ipad may also help).
Moral of the post: Photos rock you can never have enough
Sepia does make a majority of things look cool
DON'T sign up to such a long mobile contract because when you realise your new phone sucks its too late!!!!